Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What Is A Good Digital Citizen

This is the same as being a good citizen in your everyday life.  I think it's a lot easier to say mean things to people online because you don't have to see the look on their face if you hurt or embarrass them.  I guess at least it's not anonymous.  We should always remember to think before we act; tweet, Facebook or text.  The  things we say might not just hurt someone's feelings, it might cause them to physically hurt themselves or others.
Image result for digital citizenship

My View of Ethical Computer Use

United States Copyright OfficeNew games and movies hit the stores every day.  Not all kids or their parents have the money to buy every new game or movie they want.  So they should do what I have to do, save up and use their own money.  Sometimes the longer you wait the cheaper it will be.  Besides downloading copyrighted stuff is illegal.  Anyone who downloads movies and games to mass produce for sale is taking money away from writers, artists or actors.  These people definitely need tougher restrictions, including fines and possibly jail time.

Once It's On The Internet It's There Forever

This is a very true statement. You hear everyday in the news about information that has caused embarrassment and physical harm to people who have shared pictures and personal information about themselves. When you're writing about things you have done or sharing pictures, think about how your parents, siblings and teachers will feel about you if they find this information.  Just remember this stuff can't be retrieved once in someone else's position.  You may not be looking for a job right now, but a potential boss can find this years later and it could cost you getting a good job.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Protecting Personal Data On The Internet

You should always set up your web browser using other than your real name and real e-mail address.  Be careful to clean out your cookies file. These can let others know what web sites you visited and how long you were on there and what information you viewed.  Don't accept every 'friend' request.  If you don't recognize the person, don't 'friend' them.  Also, don't give out personal information in exchange for money or some prize.  Often these are just marketing scams and before you know it, hundreds of sites may have your information.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Chairless Chair

The chairless chair is a new concept from the manufactures of Audi cars. It's leather wrapped, plastic infused carbon fiber and has hydraulically controlled joints . The  "chair" is  worn at the back of  legs and is held in place by straps at the hips, knees and ankles. In addition  to making the assembly worker more comfortable Audi hopes to improve health and decease absenteeism. At the present time there are only three prototypes but Audi intends to expand into all their plants.
